Happy Sunday! Today’s post is all about implementing healthy habits in order to have the most productive week possible.
With spring coming up, a lot of people are starting to think about doing some spring cleaning and organizing. Now is the perfect time to do it – winter is basically over and it’s easier to get outside and donate old clothes you don’t want anymore, or take things to the recycling center in your area!
It’s also nice to have your house be super organized and tidy going into the warmer months (or any time of the year) since warm weather is the time to be happy and excited about life, and ready to make big things happen!
I’m working on getting things neat and organized in my own apartment as well!
Just keep reading for my best tips on the best healthy habits to implement for a more productive week this week:
1. Deep Clean Your Space
As the week progresses and you come home from work each day, things tend to get messier around the house/apartment.
So every Sunday, give your space a really intense clean! I like to scrub the kitchen counters and sink, clean my bathroom, vacuum all of the carpeting, wash the floors, and do some organizing and clutter clearing if I have the time.
When your home is really clean and organized, you’ll feel much more at peace and relaxed.
2. Meal Plan For The Week
Meal planning is such a great way to save yourself time during the week!
There are tons of meal planning ideas on the internet, so find a couple recipes that sound good to you and then make a big enough serving for the next 4-5 days.
If you have meals that are sitting in your freezer and ready to be microwaved and eaten, you won’t be as tempted to eat meals out, so this will also help you save money!
Check out my What I Eat In A Day As A Vegan post for some meal ideas and inspiration!
3. Clean Up Your Inbox
Over time, our email addresses are collected by so many brands and marketers. Even when you shop online you can sometimes get signed up for newsletters you don’t want. Take 10-15 minutes to clear out your email inbox, and delete and unsubscribe from any spam you’re not interested in.
Reducing the number of junk emails you get will reduce your stress and free up a little extra space in your mind for more important things!
4. Do Your Laundry
I always try to coordinate things and make Sunday my big laundry day. It’s great to go into a new week with a fresh start, and one of the best ways to do this is to have all of your clothes be fresh and clean for the new week ahead.
There’s something so annoying about getting ready on a Monday morning and not being able to find a clean pair of socks! So wash and put away all your clothes in their proper place to set yourself up for an organized and productive week.
5. Make Your Weekly To-Do List
Take the time to sit down on a Sunday and think about all of the things you need to accomplish this week.
Whether it’s tax related stuff, grocery shopping, exercise goals, or whatever it is, write it all down in the form of a to do list. Then, prioritize the three most important things that you absolutely need to get done so that you have them written down right in front of you. This way you’ll be able to constantly remind yourself of the things that are high priority and hopefully get them done!

6. Plan Your Outfits
At least for the first day or two of the week! Why? Because you will be setting yourself up to have a great Monday morning by not having to stress out about what to wear!
When you have your outfit already sitting there waiting for you when you wake up, that’s one less decision to make when you might already be in a rush on a Monday morning.
7. Do Some Stretching
Most of us work in offices doing computer related work, and this puts so much strain on the neck and back.
Allot about 20 minutes for some stretching and you’ll feel so rejuvenated. There are tons of good videos on YouTube that will show you great stretches to do to work out the tension!
8. Take Some Time For Yourself
Take an hour to yourself on a Sunday evening just to do something that fulfills you! For you that might be listening to an inspiring podcast, reading a book and leaving your phone turned off, or watching an episode of your favorite show!
Whatever it is, make it something that you do alone. We all need quiet time to relax and recharge – alone time helps us get us energized and ready for the week ahead.
9. Listen To Music
Listening to a few of your favorite songs will get you excited and pumped up to have a great week! It’s also the perfect way to get yourself moving a little bit if you feel like having a solo dance party 🙂
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Thank you for checking out my tips on healthy habits to implement for a productive week! What are your best tips for having a great week? Let me know in the comments section, and if you liked this post you can always share it on Pinterest! 🙂
beauty and colour girl boss healthy habits lifestyle organization plant based productivity vegan
Jennifer says
These are all great things that I try to do! Yesterday was just so beautiful that I spent a lot of time outside with Reika.
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Noor says
Planning outfits is SUCH a great help to have the best week! 😀
xo Noor
Christine Kong says
These are all great habits to start and now more than ever we have time to get to them without any excuses. These are fab tips and will definitely start implementing the ones I don’t already do in my routine now.
Jill says
These are such great tips! since I’ve been stuck inside the house, I’ve been doing lots of spring cleaning lately. I seriously need to start meal prepping though because I am so bad at eating healthy lunches that are filling enough!
Diana says
These are all such great habits to get into, especially now with so much change in our routines. I think having a deep clean is such a helpful thing to do.
My Lovelier Days
SundayDahlias says
These are all great! I love planning outfits ahead of time because if I don’t I end up rushing and spending way too much time on it!
Ana C says
This is beautiful, thank you for the tips.
I have just come across your blog and I am in love <3
Ana C., http://www.adreamersland.com
Ashley says
These are fantastic habits, Caitlin! I try to do so many of these, but really need to work on deep cleaning while I’m stuck inside for a little while.
Make Life Marvelous
Angelica says
Really love these tips!
Scheduling is so important to maintain motivation. And I started working out at home for the first time ever and loving it!
XX Angelica
Jessica says
Great tips dear, and I couldn’t agree more, especially 6 and 8!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Jil says
These are really effective habits to practice dear.
Thank you!
Jil | https://letsjiloutdoor.com/
Kelly says
Cleaning out your Inbox is such a good one!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
Kelsey Quackenbush says
So many great tips! I think keeping a clean space for work and a clean bedroom is really helping me!
Xo, Kelsey
Marianne Brown says
I completely agree that making a weekly to do list is important ! It really gives me a sense of purpose and drives me to get on with stuff. It’s such a weird time and it’s really easy to slip into not doing anything. I’ve definitely found that keeping my space clean is more important than ever considering how much time I’m spending indoors.
I hope you’re staying well!
Marianne | http://www.theseaandthecity.co.uk
Jasmine Stewart says
I love meal planning for the week – especially now I’m home all the time and we can only get one shop in a week, it definitely makes you be more organised. I definitely feel it helps me eat better throughout the week too, because even when I’m feeling a bit lazy, there are usually some leftovers in the fridge!
Jasmine xx
Jasmine Talks Beauty
Julia says
Lovely post! Productivity is my middle name (well, at least it could be haha) so I always enjoy discovering new posts with tips. Cleaning your space is something I don’t do enough, and I end up with a messy desk more often than not – so this week I’ll follow your tip and clean my space! Thank you for sharing!
Julia x
Last Post: How To Spend 48 Hours in Florence, Italy | https://juliaspeaksbeauty.blogspot.com/2020/04/how-to-spend-48h-in-florence-italy.html
Georgina says
I find making lists is essential!! Thanks for sharing!!