During these hard times, it’s really important to protect yourself as well as you can from getting sick. There are so many healthy plant based foods out there that most of us are not eating on a regular basis that can really help to boost the immune system, which is super critical right now!
DISCLAIMER: All content found on BeautyandColour.com, including text, images, and posts, has been provided for informational purposes only. The content contained within this website is NOT intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Always make sure to seek the advice of a qualified professional healthcare provider, and contact them with any questions you might have regarding your health and/or current medical condition. If you think you may be infected with the coronavirus, call your healthcare provider immediately to seek medical advice.
I am not trying to claim that eating any combination of these foods will prevent you from getting sick, but they can potentially help your body fight infection OR possibly ease symptoms if you are already sick. Basically, what I’m saying is that it doesn’t hurt to do things to try to strengthen your immune system during a global pandemic.
With that being said, keep scrolling for my list of the best plant based foods to boost your immune system!
Spinach is a good source of vitamin A, which helps to protect your respiratory system, and we all need that now more than ever!
Garlic is full of medicinal properties, and a lot of people swear by it for reducing the number of times they get sick in a year. Just make sure you crush it before you consume it to release the compounds that boost your immunity.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits contain the most vitamin C, and vitamin C is a nutrient that increases your body’s production of white blood cells, which fight illness and infection!
Kale contains vitamin C and folate, both of which have really strong immunity boosting properties.
Mushrooms are a great source of selenium, making them a really strong immunity booster.
Broccoli is another really good source of vitamin A, and the phytochemicals it contains are so great for the immune system!
Ginger is an anti-inflammatory, immune boosting superfood! There’s a reason all the juice bars sell ginger shots and it’s because ginger is anti-bacterial and, if you have it fresh, it can potentially help protect your respiratory system.
Nuts and Seeds
These are a great source of protein, and protein contains amino acids that are essential for a certain type of cell that fights pathogens in your body to function.
Related Posts:
Tips On How To Eat More Plant Based
Easy Tips To Make Healthy Vegan Meals At Home
Plant Based Grocery Essentials During Quarantine
Thank you so much for checking out some of the best plant based foods to boost your immune system! If you found this post helpful, you can definitely share it on Pinterest to help other people see this information, or follow me on Instagram for similar context!
I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy, talk soon xx
beauty and colour blogger fashion foods healthy immune system lifestyle plant based vegan
Jennifer says
Ginger is so good for your immune system!
Effortlessly Sophisticated