If you’re just getting started in the world of spirituality, wellness and self care, you might have already come across the concept of “affirmations,” and if you’re a veteran then you for sure know about them. Affirmations are a super useful tool to utilize in order to overcome self doubt and negative thinking patterns, and this list of daily affirmations for positivity will help you improve your mindset and outlook on yourself and the world so that you can go about your life in a better headspace and have more positive interactions with others!
Saying your affirmations doesn’t take too much time at all, and it’s a really simple practice you can implement in your life to produce some pretty amazing results. The great thing about this practice is that it’s completely free, and anyone can and should do it!
I’ve been practicing saying my daily affirmations for positivity for several months now, so although I’m still somewhat new to it, I would say my life has definitely changed for the better since I started being consistent with it. You do need to commit yourself to this at least once per day for several minutes at a time in order to start seeing results, but rest assured that the results will come if you really dedicate yourself.
Keep scrolling to check out a list of the best positive affirmations that you can use every day!
What Are Daily Affirmations For Positivity?
Affirmations are basically short statements that you say out loud to yourself to help transform your thinking patterns in a positive way, as well as cut down on your self deprecation and any type of negative thoughts about yourself and others.
They are a powerful method and tool that you can use to basically reprogram your mind and unlearn toxic or unhelpful beliefs/patterns of thought while at the same time replacing them with uplifting and empowering beliefs.
Saying daily affirmations for positivity can help you love yourself more, make positive changes in your life and even be kinder to others. They also train your mind to think and believe that each statement you are saying is true in that exact moment – and therefore your actions will start to reflect all of the amazing positive things you’re telling yourself. And before long, your life will change for the better!
How Do I Use Positive Affirmations?
There are a few steps to using daily affirmations for positivity correctly, and they’re outlined for you below:
- Be Consistent – If you expect this practice to work, you have to do it regularly in order to really see a significant transformation in your life. Try picking your favorite one to three affirmations from this list that you feel would benefit you the most that day and repeating them for a few minutes each in the morning and at night. It’s important to say only a handful of affirmations for positivity at one time, so that you stay ultra focused on the couple you’ve picked in order for them to best serve you.
- Speak In The Present Tense – Instead of saying things like “I will” or “I plan to”, phrase your affirmations like “I am.” This is a method of training your mind to think it already IS what you are telling yourself.
- Keep Things Concise – Short affirmations work best, so that your mind can easily visualize what you are speaking aloud. Don’t confuse yourself and take your focus away from visualizing what you’re saying because you’re so caught up on remembering a lengthy statement. Your daily affirmations for positivity shouldn’t really be longer than a couple of short sentences.
- Embody The Statement You’re Speaking – Since affirmations help you to completely retrain and reprogram your mind, you want to really feel and envision what you are saying to yourself so that it actually comes to fruition. Make sure you’re not thinking of the things you’re saying as just random, abstract concepts, but as things that are true of yourself at this very moment.
Do Affirmations Really Work?
There’s a science behind this concept, and it’s actually known as the “self affirmation theory” (developed by Claude Steele in the 1980’s). Basically, if your self image has been threatened or degraded in any way, then your human survival instinct to protect that self image and affirm your own integrity kicks in. So, using daily affirmations for positivity is a mechanism to promote ourselves in the best light possible, and we are highly motivated to actually embody these things we are speaking so that we’re not experiencing any uncomfortable cognitive dissonance.
We are essentially committed to preserving and protecting our self image and self worth at all costs, and affirmations are a tool to help us do exactly that.
Best Daily Affirmations For Positivity
- I am full of energy and light
- I am creating a life of love and abundance
- I don’t chase, I attract. What is meant for me will flow to me
- I let go of anything that does not serve me
- I forgive all those who have hurt me
- I choose to see the good in all situations
- I am in full control of my life
- I am so grateful for all that I have in my life
- I can and I will make big things happen
- Everything I need is within me
- I have limitless potential to succeed in this life
- My existence is making a positive difference in the world
- My mind is filled with creative and brilliant ideas
- I allow myself to heal from past trauma
- I am worthy of love
- My body is my home and I love and accept it
- I am confident in my ability to achieve my goals and dreams
- I am valued and respected by many
- My journey is my own and I am in charge of the destination
- My emotions and feelings are valid and real
- Each new day is an opportunity for me to learn and grow
- I can achieve anything I desire
- I attract abundance and prosperity
- In letting go of the past, I am creating space for new things and opportunities
- I am growing and evolving each and every day
- I choose to be happy and positive
- Healthy food fuels my incredible life
This list of daily affirmations for positivity can be used at any time of day – basically just whenever you feel like you’re a little down on yourself and need a pep talk. You can repeat these as you’re looking at yourself in the mirror (this will absolutely feel really weird at first, but trust me, it works!), as you’re driving in your car, or even go over them in your head whileo you’re standing in line or waiting in an office before an appointment.
Best Daily Affirmations For Positivity: Money and Career Related
- My income is steadily increasing every day
- I live a life filled with abundance and the things I love
- I am independent and can take care of myself
- I am motivated to succeed
- Everything I need is within me
- My future is bright and full of promise
- My work makes a positive difference in this world
- I am working to make my goals and dreams into my reality
- Every day I take inspired action towards my dream life
- I am skilled, talented and knowledgeable
- My hard work is paying off each and every day
- I am receptive and open to wealth and prosperity
- Money flows effortlessly into my life
- I am attracting incredible opportunities
- I have many things to contribute to my job
- My career is a journey that I am in control of
- I am extremely capable and intelligent
- I possess all of the skills and experience required for my dream job
- Every interview and every “no” is one step closer to my dream job
- My career brings me joy and fulfillment
- There are so many opportunities available to me
- I am a valuable asset and my company is lucky to have me
- I have what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur
The above list of daily affirmations for positivity can be used to help manifest your dream job or career! Use them to help lift your confidence and give you that little extra boost you might need to send out that resume for the position you thought you weren’t qualified for, or reach out to that one person you met at an event that you think could open up a new door for you! You never know what will come out of taking that chance.
Related Posts:
- How To Manifest Anything Overnight
- “That Girl” Productive Morning Routine
- Examples of Life Goals For Success and Happiness
Thank you so much for checking out this list of the best daily affirmations for positivity and happiness! Remember, you can repeat these as many times as you need to in a day until you start getting yourself to a better headspace.
I hope that these positive affirmations were helpful for you guys. Let me know down below in the comment section if you have any affirmations you think I should add to this list, or if you’ve used any of these before and how they’ve worked out for you! I have been lucky enough to witness the true power of repeating these phrases over long periods of time, and I would love to see how they change your life for the better too.
As always, if you liked this post definitely feel free to share it to Pinterest, and make sure to check out my Instagram feed for tons of similar content if you’re interested 🙂
Stay safe, healthy, and talk soon xx