So we’ve all been quarantined for about six weeks now, and I’m sure you’re getting as restless as I am to go out and do things again, especially now that the weather is getting so beautiful! But eventually quarantine will end, and we’ll all be able to do the things we love doing again. So today I’m sharing some healthy living tips and my best advice to set yourself up for success post quarantine so that you’re doing well and on the right path even before this ends!
I have a few similar posts on this already, like productive things to do at home during quarantine and 30 things you can declutter in your home, so definitely check those out for more ideas on healthy lifestyle tips you can implement during this crazy time.
1. Do Your Spring Cleaning
Over time, clutter just naturally accumulates, and it can really affect your mood in a negative way. Go through your apartment or house one room at time and get rid of things that
You want to get this all done now because none of us knows what is going to happen in the next 2-3 months and society could very well just pick back up again where we left off. If that happens and you were able to clutter clear and get your spring cleaning done, then you’ll be in a much better position to have a ton of fun this summer instead of stressing over then having to clean your house when everything is open again and there’s tons of fun stuff to do!
My post on 30 things to declutter in your home will give you tips on what to get rid of!
2. Get Things Done Right Away
One thing I’ve learned is that if you procrastinate, you’re just prolonging your stress and anxiety about getting the thing done that you could instead just quickly eliminate by doing the thing asap! Plus when you get things done right away, you’re developing that habit and will naturally just continue to be more and more proactive since you will love the feeling of accomplishment that comes with it!
So set yourself up for success long term by figuring out what works for you: do you do better when you tackle the HARDEST task first so that everything else that comes after it seems easy, or do you prefer checking off a bunch of small simple tasks from your to do list and then building up momentum to achieve the big things later in the day?
3. Eat More Plant Based Meals
One of the best healthy lifestyle tips I have is always to eat more plant based vegan food, and quarantine is no exception! The more you’re able to cut out meat and dairy in favor of nutritious, plant based foods, the more energy you’ll have. When you have more energy, you are in a much better position to crush all of your goals and do well in life!
Check out my What I Eat In A Day As A Vegan post for plant based recipe and meal ideas!
4. Stay Up To Date With Bills
This has been a really challenging time for a lot of people, but if you are still able to pay your bills then it’s best to just do it instead of putting it off because of the current climate. This will only bring more stress down the line, so set up auto pay OR reminders on your phone for when the bills are due.
5. Build Up Your Savings
This kind of relates to the last point, but if you’re lucky enough to be in a good position and/or if you’re still working, aim to save at least 10% and put it aside in a separate account so you won’t be tempted to spend it.
Even though we’re all bored at home, online shopping and spending a bunch of money on things you don’t really need isn’t going to make you happy or set you up for success after quarantine! Save your money and invest it so you can have it earning interest.
6. Work Out And Stay Fit
I think a lot of us are tempted to skip workouts because this is a time where we all partly lack motivation because of the uncertainty of the world around us. But now is actually the best time to keep on top of your workouts because you have the time and opportunity to do so!
I have a post on how to stay healthy and fit during social distancing that you can check out for tips on getting those workouts in!
7. Keep Your Mindset Positive
Even though we’re going through some really hard times as a society, it’s so important to stay positive and hopeful for the future. If you are constantly in a positive frame of mind then you’re going to be in a better mood, and naturally more good things will come to you! This is such an important healthy living tip, especially in quarantine, because it will help get you through this and your life will be better on the other side as a result.
8. Keep Learning
Educate yourself on anything you might be interested in but just haven’t had the time to learn more about over the last few years! This could be learning how to invest, learning how to become a better photographer or even updating your skill set for your job if you felt like it.
Some of the world’s best educational institutions are actually offering free online courses right now on everything from communication to economics! You can check out what’s being offered by clicking here.
9. Maintain Your Relationships
I see a ton of memes and jokes on Instagram from people saying that they haven’t seen their friends in so long that they’re worried things will be awkward when they finally do again!
So going along with that, definitely keep in touch with your friends and also family that you’re not quarantined with by calling them. Texting is great, but actually hearing their voices is what’s going to get you in the best mood possible.
Maintaining healthy relationships with loved ones during quarantine will ensure that you’re in a better and more positive place mentally when this is all over, and you’ll be able to re-adapt to society much easier!
Related Posts:
25 Productive Things To Do During Quarantine
Productive, Healthy Morning Routine In Quarantine
How To Adopt A Healthy Lifestyle During Social Distancing
Thank you for checking out my tips on healthy living and how to set yourself up for success post quarantine! We have all gone through a rough time these last couple months, but if you take these steps then you should be able to at least partially mitigate some of the negative effects and set yourself up for success in the coming months and longer term. If you liked this post, you can definitely share it on Pinterest or follow me on Instagram for lots of similar content! xx
beauty and colour blogger fashion healthy lifestyle plant based quarantine vegan
Jennifer says
As you know, I’m trying to build my savings! And I’m basically doing everything else on here.
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Ashley says
I have really been trying to use this time to deep clean the house and get stuff organized that I’ve been putting off! 🙂
Le Stylo Rouge
Hannah says
I am really trying to get all of my spring cleaning done, as I guess now is the perfect time to do it. Great post xx
Hannah | https://luxuryblush.co.uk/
Ashley says
Love this post, Caitlin! It is much needed right now. Things are so different after being stuck inside for going on two months now. I have been working on my spring cleaning this week, and it’s helping me feel a ton better. I also agree with you that tackling something head on, versus giving yourself time to get stressed about it, is the best method. I knock out my hardest task, as much as I typically dread it, and it makes everything else seem so much smoother for the rest of the day.
Make Life Marvelous
Sarah says
I’ve been working out, I’ve ordered a mat as well for more floor based exercises so hopefully that’ll arrive soon. I agree re: staying up to date with bills if you can. Saves having to worry about the growing amount of money you owe.
xo Sarah | Oomph London