So recently there’s been a new trend that’s been going around on TikTok and Youtube, and it’s how to be “that girl” so you can create a productive morning routine and basically have your life completely put together!
You might already know what I’m talking about – the videos with a bunch of short clips all put together of healthy food, workouts, journalling, reading, etc. The girls in these videos always have the perfect meals, the perfect cute workout outfits, and are just super aspirational on every level.
You see these types of videos and immediately feel motivated to create your own productive morning routine and get your day started off right! I have a little example here of a viewable story on how to create your “that girl” productive morning routine, and you can check out my TikTok for even more inspo as well.
It’s important to keep in mind that we all have good and bad days, and you might not feel like doing your full morning routine every single day. This is totally normal and to be expected – all you have to do is forgive yourself if you fall off, and then pick yourself back up when you’re ready.
Keep reading for my best tips on how to become “that girl” and how to create a productive morning routine that works for you!
Morning Routine Faves:
Why Should You Create A Productive Morning Routine?
Mornings are so important because they typically set the tone for your entire day. Have you ever noticed that if you wake up late and have a slow, unproductive morning full of scrolling on your phone, then it’s usually ten times harder to turn your day around and really make things happen?
But, when you start the day off well, then you’re way more motivated to get a lot done throughout the entire rest of your day too!
What Time Should You Wake Up?
For me, I actually prefer waking up early because it makes me feel like I have so much more time in a day. With that being said, I’m definitely not someone who wakes up at 5 am, and you don’t have to be either!
I personally think that waking up anytime before 8 am is ideal, but my best advice is to go to bed before midnight (11 pm is a really good time to actually get in bed) and then make sure you get around eight hours of sleep so you’re feeling your best.
This is of course going to be different for everyone, and you might be someone who loves getting up at 5 or 6, which is great! Find out what works for you, and stick to it consistently.
Tips on How To Create A Productive Morning Routine
Here are the steps to take in order to build a morning routine that sets you up for success every day!
Go To Bed Earlier and Wake Up Earlier
In the past this was a huge struggle for me (especially during 2020) because I used to stay up wayyy too late and as a result would constantly be sleeping in and getting really slow, sluggish starts to my mornings.
If you struggle with this too, just know that a lot of people have this issue and if you want to overcome it, you have to consistently make conscious decisions like putting your phone away early and picking up a book instead.
So my first tip on how to create a productive morning routine is to start adjusting the times you go to bed and wake up at by about 15 minutes per day, until you gradually get to a point where you’re going to sleep at a reasonable time and waking up early and ready to crush your day!
Open Up Your Space
Right when you first get up is a great time to open up your windows and get some fresh air in (if the weather permits) and brighten up your apartment with natural sunlight! This really helps so much with getting yourself feeling more awake and ready for the day.
If you don’t get much sunlight in your apartment, then another one of my best tips on how to create a productive morning routine would be to order this alarm clock that imitates sunlight. It’s super realistic and creates the most beautiful morning light in literally any space, and it just puts you in such a good mood right when you get up in the morning!
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
I’m sure you hear this literally everywhere, but it’s only because it’s really that important! Whether you’re reaching for a glass of hot water with lemon, or just plain water with ice, drinking water whenever and wherever possible helps you feel more alert and awake.
There are a ton of other benefits as well, so I always personally try to drink half my weight in ounces of water per day. Drinking water is a super important part of a productive morning routine!
Start Gratitude Journalling
This is a habit that can genuinely change your life for the better if you do it regularly. Writing out all of the things that you’re grateful to have in your life will transform your mindset in a way that you’re actively seeking out and paying closer attention to more of the good things that each and every day has to offer!
It doesn’t have to be too much work, but I personally like to sit down every morning and write out two or three things that I’m appreciative of in my life. This is a great thing to do if you’re trying to figure out how to create a productive morning routine and become “that girl”! It really puts things into perspective and helps you realize how many good things there are in your life, and as a result motivates you to create more good!
Tidy Up Your Space
Having an organized and clutter free workspace is essential if you’re wanting to learn how to create a productive morning routine and become “that girl”. If you have a tidy apartment, you’re going to have more space mentally AND physically to work towards your goals and make big things happen.
Clutter only adds unnecessary stress to your life, so try to declutter regularly and keep on top of everything!
Do A Workout
“That girl” always does a workout first thing every morning to get herself energized and pumped up for the day ahead! It’s definitely challenging to get started at first if you’re not used to doing morning workouts, and it might mean that you have to start getting up half an hour earlier, but trust me, once you get into the groove of doing it you will never go back!
It’s honestly the best way to get an immediate boost of serotonin in the morning and improve your mood and overall outlook.
Take A Few Moments For Yourself
As we all know, life can get extremely busy, so if you are trying to create a productive morning routine then you should definitely factor in 10-15 minutes per day every morning of just sitting in silence, with no phone, and doing a meditation or something along those lines. This practice will help you to stay grounded and focused on the day ahead and the tasks you need to get done.
For me, I struggle with mindlessly scrolling on my phone sometimes and just wasting so much valuable time in the morning, so I’ve started implementing this practice of consciously putting my phone away and just having a few minutes of quiet time and it has really helped me zone in on what I need to do that day!
Eat A Healthy, Plant Based Breakfast
Eating a clean vegan meal for breakfast that is filled with fruits and whole grains will not only fuel you for the morning ahead, but it will also motivate you to keep being “that girl” for the rest of the day and eat healthy meals for lunch and dinner too! This is one of the most important tips on how to create a productive morning routine that I can even think of!
Some examples would be: a papaya bowl, an acai bowl OR a plant based yogurt bowl filled with fruit and granola toppings, or avocado toast with a tofu scramble.
You can get some more ideas of what to make for breakfast in my What I Eat In A Day As A Vegan post!
Do Some Reading
It’s no secret that the most successful people are constantly reading and learning new things, so one secret of how to create a productive morning routine is to get some reading done early on in the day. This could be just 15-20 minutes each morning, or as long as you want it to be, but commit yourself to reading a full non-fiction book every month or so on a topic that will help you achieve your goals and get you further ahead in life.
I highly recommend reading this book on forming habits, which definitely goes hand in hand with learning how to create a productive morning routine. It helps you build habits that actually stick, so once you’ve developed your new morning routine you’ll be more conditioned to do it consistently after reading this!
Plan Out Your Day
Take 5-10 minutes to write out your to do list, goals and intentions for the day. You can even do this while you sit and eat your healthy breakfast, but it’s important to know exactly how you want your day to look so that you have a clear path to follow for success.
I usually write out the three most important tasks I want to get done that day, and then 5-7 smaller tasks that could potentially be pushed to the next day if I run out of time.
I also like to write out how much water I plan to drink that day, how much time I want to spend reading and how much time I want to spend outside on a walk. Having everything right in front of you and written out like that really helps to keep you on track!
Plus, being organized and on top of things is for sure going to help you create a productive morning routine that you love and swear by.
Related Posts:
- Girl Boss Healthy Morning Routine
- How To Create A Mindful Morning Routine
- Morning Habits of Highly Successful People
Thank you so much for checking out this post on how to create a productive morning routine so that you can become “that girl” who has everything together! I hope that these tips and my sample successful morning routine help you improve your productivity and romanticize your life.
Remember to listen to your body and do what feels best for you! If you’re just not feeling it one day, that’s completely fine.
Let me know in the comments below whether or not you already have a morning routine that works for you that you stick to every day, or if you’re planning to create one now that you’ve read this post!
As always, if you liked this post then feel free to share it on Pinterest, and be sure to check out my Instagram feed for tons of similar content if you’re interested 🙂
Stay healthy and safe, and talk soon xx
Cat says
Waking up early and following a checklist of goals for the day is definitely my motivation! I have to work on adding exercise to my daily routine next.
Jennifer says
I recently started a gratitude journal. So helpful. I also like to get up early. And I’m usually in bed between 10-10:30.
Curated By Jennifer
Ashley says
Loved this post, Caitlin! I do some of these things and they are so helpful, like planning out the day and choosing 3 tasks that I make my main priority. I really need to work on eating a better breakfast – I actually tend to skip it all together, which is not good.
Make Life Marvelous